Saturday, 9 January 2010

The BBFC [Thibaut Nyemba]

The British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) acts as an independent, non-governmental body, which have been classifying cinema films since it was set up in 1912. Videos have also been classified by the BBFC since passing the Video Recordings Act in 1984.
Within the cinema area the BBFC was set up in 1912 by the film industry as an independent body to bring a degree of uniformity to the classification of film nationally.
Within the video area in 1984 the Parliament passed the video recordings act, this act was made to states that, subject to certain exemptions, video recordings offered for sale or designated by the secretary of state.

The BBFC take many thing in account which overall can determine the age classification outcome. Example, the more blood and gore the more likely the film would be of an eighteen classification. Other media such as video games can also be classified by the BBFC due to content.

The age rating can range from the classification U, which stands for universal anyone is able to watch it. In a U rated film there are many restriction as its normally made for young children from the age of four and always has a happy ending. There must be very mild language, no references and misuse of illegal drugs, mild violence etc. If there are any references to drugs there must be an anti drug message that follows suit.

The next level of classification in the BBFC is the PG rating which rules closely relate U certification, except they are more lenient and other aspects. Example is whereas some U's may have very mild language a PG would have just mild.

The classification 12 and 12 A comes under the same category. Except that when it is classified by 12 A it means no one under twelve is allowed to watch it without the presence of an adult refering to watching it in a cinema. This classification begins have more freedom, as in language which is more moderately allowed such as the word "fuck" can be used but infrequently. Sexual activity maybe breifly portrayed not going beyond what is suitable for young teens.

This certification 15 begins to have more of everything. It may have stong violence, some strong languge, drug taking can be shown but not promoted and many more. My overall film would contain some strong violence and some strong language.

The eighteen classifiation is contains a lot more than the the 15 as it's more explicit, it may contain violence, illegal drug use, dangerous acts. These can be shown without any justification.



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