Thursday, 7 January 2010

Weekly Updates; Week One [Hayley Male]

By the end of the first week my group, after creating the group and our individual blogs, had two group discussion which all members attended about our first assignment; to choose between two genres, which were horror and thriller, and then do research on the chosen genre. After weighing up the pros and cons of each genre the group finally decided on the genre thriller as we all found it relatively interesting and had much experience watching thriller films. The second group meeting was about the roles we assigned ourselves for the duration of the coursework. We based our decision on the things we enjoyed and what we have had experience with to make sure we can complete our tasks to the best of our abilities and to make sure that we can make our opening sequence the best it can possibly be.



Welcome, To Our Blog.
This blog is for our AS Media Group Coursework, where we will be submitting our work as well as keeping you updated with our progress through our posts. It is also linked to our personal blogs whereby we will be carrying out various individual tasks.


About Me

AS Media Coursework Group