Thursday, 14 January 2010

Weekly Updates; Week 2 [Hayley Male]

After finally deciding on the genre of our film, it was time to think of a story and write a synopsis of our film. The group had several meetings to discuss ideas we liked and also ideas that wouldn't be ridiculous to film in the time that we have. Also having no budget made some implications on our choice. We finally decided on our story line and wrote a two minute synopsis giving full details on what was going to happen in the film. To conclude our two minute synopsis, a full 90 minute feature film synopsis was also created so our viewers could find out the whole story line. Once this was completed a script was written were the name of the film was also decided. We wanted something short and catchy but also pictured the whole film. It took a few attempts to actually get a decent script and to make it the right length but we got there in the end.



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This blog is for our AS Media Group Coursework, where we will be submitting our work as well as keeping you updated with our progress through our posts. It is also linked to our personal blogs whereby we will be carrying out various individual tasks.


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AS Media Coursework Group