Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Production Logo [Mysara Saeed]

This is the logo of which I have designed for our coursework group.
As we have chosen the genre thriller, the characters are usually making the decision of fight or flight when trouble arises which then stimulates the hormone ‘adrenaline’ which acts as a saviour. Thrillers also have a great effect on the audience whereby the arousal of excitement or fear releases adrenaline and so we thought that it would be appropriate to have the word ‘Adrenaline
’ as the main face of our logo.

I created the logo with the programme ‘Adobe Photoshop CS3’ where i was able to create a mask with the writing and image. By combining the image and word together I have saved unnecessary use of extra images and text. Having both together is a much effective and creative idea. The used Photoshop as it allows me to use certain features that enable me to incorporate my ideas too and be able to actually create them.

The word adrenaline is simply in the font ‘impact’ and its fill is an image of frightened eyes of which I obtained from 'google images'. The image associates well with the genre thriller and the reactions that can be caused from watching such genres. The logo is creative in its self yet simple which preserves the professional idea of what a logo should be. In our case promoting the group as well as an image association to what the fundamental bases is which is the making of ‘Thriller Films’.



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This blog is for our AS Media Group Coursework, where we will be submitting our work as well as keeping you updated with our progress through our posts. It is also linked to our personal blogs whereby we will be carrying out various individual tasks.


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AS Media Coursework Group