Thursday, 18 March 2010

Letters Sent Out - Permission to film on the College Site [Mysara Saeed]

Havering College of FE,
As part of our media coursework, we will be creating a 2 minute opening sequence of a Thriller and have decided that we would like our set location to be within Havering College premises. Therefore this letter acts as our notification to the authorities and security members of the college that we will be filming within the College. Our Media Teacher, Pianki Passegae is completely aware of our decision and knows that we will be filming on the college’s site. We have chosen A Block as our setting, and we will be filming during accessible and convenient times whereby we wouldn’t be interrupting the academy around us. We will be filming mostly during lesson times and out of college times. Therefore we have informed you and would like your approval so that we can film within the college without hassle.
Thank you very much
Regards Mysara Saeed (Camera Woman)



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This blog is for our AS Media Group Coursework, where we will be submitting our work as well as keeping you updated with our progress through our posts. It is also linked to our personal blogs whereby we will be carrying out various individual tasks.


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AS Media Coursework Group